Do you work hard in Guided Reading to see your students show growth but give them a BAS test just to see them struggle with comprehension and not show the growth you have seen in their fluency and accuracy? If so, this resource my be the solution to your problems. It is important that students have many opportunities to answer question types that they will be asked during testing. These question stems will provide a lot of great book discussions that align with the questions asked during BAS testing. The questions are written for Fiction and Non-Fiction texts for BAS levels A-P. There are also words for levels A-D that students need to know to be successful. They can easily be printed, laminated, and put on a ring for easy access during Guided Reading groups.
- Non-Fiction Question Stems BAS Levels A-Z
- Fiction Question Stems BAS Levels A-Z
- Non-Fiction Words to Know/Sight Words Levels A-D
- Fiction Words to Know/Sight Words Levels A-D